Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

1. Gemini
2. Music
3. No littering
4. I will never trust him Maning (bhs tegal)
5. removing Sweat
6. Greedy and Mencla mencle (apa ya bhs inggrisnya mencla mencle?)
7. Better Man _Robbie William_
8. I just wanted a second child is Better
9. My Mom & Dad
10. I will be cuddling with Mom & Dad I close, because the Hugging 'I think it's my way to always keep
11. Yes, I believe. Because I believe the number 8, what we do, yes that's who we get.

3 komentar:

  1. wew......
    11 things about me nya mana.. :cd

  2. gw ga pake kalimat "thing about", krn gw ga mau pek kalimat tersebut Yat.

  3. tau ah.... itu peraturannya. Lw tempel tuh banner awardnya di blog lw.
    ciee... blog nya penampilan baru niy,,, sip good!!
